SQLSQLDAAlloc() problem in Pro*C

From: Sean Phelan <sphelan_at_nospam.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:42:31 GMT
Message-ID: <DyQO6.25837$BN6.1157086_at_newsread1.prod.itd.earthlink.net>


I'm sure somone has seen this one:

  • I'm trying to use SQLSQLDAAlloc() in a Pro*C file using Oracle 8 on Solaris
  • I use the following code:
    sqlda = SQLSQLDAAlloc(SQL_SINGLE_RCTX, numElements,100,50);
  • SQL_SINGLE_RCTX is defined as :
    #define SQL_SINGLE_RCTX (dvoid *)0

When I try to compile/build this, I get the following error:

Syntax error at line 94, column 10, file iiFuncs.pc: Error at line 94, column 10 in file iiFuncs.pc

        sqlda = SQLSQLDAAlloc(SQL_SINGLE_RCTX, numElements,100,50); .........1
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:

   ( * & + - ~ ! ^ ++ -- ... sizeof, an identifier,    a quoted string, a numeric constant,

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Sean Phelan
Sequoia Consulting - Internet solutions that make sense... Solutions that work.
http://www.TheSCIA.Org - Proud Member of the Space Coast Internet Alliance (321) 984-0211 Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:42:31 CEST

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