Instance Manager - Latest SQL

From: Martin Schneider <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:23:06 -0700
Message-ID: <3b570989$>


[Quoted] I'm running 8i ( on Win2k and working with the Instance Manager [Quoted] GUI. Under the Sessions folder, some sessions show "Latest SQL Statement," [Quoted] and I'm looking for the table which holds this info. So far I've looked in [Quoted] v$session, v$sql, and v$process, and am searching the online help and in [Quoted] Can anyone help me locate this data? Also, will I need [Quoted] to join tables to relate a session User name to the SQL statement?

Thank you for your time.
Martin Received on Thu Jul 19 2001 - 18:23:06 CEST

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