Connection dropped on long remote DB link

Date: 18 Jul 2001 14:15:32 GMT
Message-ID: <9j45m4$5ph$>

[Quoted] [Quoted] We are using a remote DB link to connect to a machine far far away in Nebraska and then performing a

insert into localtable
select * from remotetable
where certainstuff = otherstuff

query to get certain data from the remote machine locally to perform some analysis on it. The only problem is that our db link connections get dropped with some frequency requiring us to restart the transfer process.

Also, the transfer process itself takes several hours (too long).

Does anyone have advice on
1)What could be causing the DB link to get dropped or what to do to maket it more stable?


2)What (cheap) method we could use to transport this data? Most ETL tools seem to be out of the range of this project since the import of this data is just a relatively small part of our whole process.

Greg Received on Wed Jul 18 2001 - 16:15:32 CEST

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