Re: Reports 6i, PDF, TrueType, and UNIX (Solaris)

From: Mark Wiseman <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:21:51 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for responding. Do you have to install the font separately? Isn't it already in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ directory? I noticed today that the directory didn't have a fonts.scale file in it. And the fonts.dir file only had a couple of the files mentioned in it. It looks like all the fonts are there but they aren't setup to be recognized by X. I am wondering if I run mkfontdir in the directory if the font called cour.ttf will conflict with the cour.??? file in the directory. I suppose I can change the alias in the fonts.alias file to use a different name. Whatever I do I have to give instructions to all our customers that run our software to do the same so, I'm trying to find the best solution. Of course any solution would be good at this point. The current problem is that the Courier that is being substitued (Or maybe it is using Courier New and I don't know it) does not have a 7point normal font. It has a 7point bold font. but, the 7point normal font is substituted for 8point normal courier. This makes it so the header of the report doesn't line up with the details. My temporary fix was to force everything to 7point bold.

    Are there free fonts that can be loaded cross platform (AIX,SUN,HP,NT) that you know of? The kind I need would be similar to Courier New--fixwidth and less fat than courier.

Steven Rave wrote:

> Mark,
> unfortunately no answers yet (but haven't checked my mailbox for 1
> week). Did you install the TT font properly (test it with xfd for
> example), and did you try to modify uifonts.ali?
> Stefan
> Mark Wiseman <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > I am trying to get CourierNew type fonts on the HP. I see you had similar
> > problems with fonts between NT and Solaris. Did you get answers to your
> > questions? I was wondering if you might be able to give me some direction.
> > I am trying to display the courier new font in the oracle reports previewer
> > through a browser using oracle9ias on HP. Any Ideas as to why the HP uses a
> > replacement font and how I can get it to use the couriernew font?
> >
> > Stefan Rave wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm trying to migrate a report which used to be generated under Win NT
> > > to Solaris. The report uses TrueType fonts (Arial as well as a special
> > > barcode font). No matter what I try, I can't get Reports 6 (or 6i) to
> > > generate the report properly, i.e. using Arial and the barcode font.
> > >
> > > The Solaris (SunOS 5.8) font server seems to support TrueType, but I
> > > didn't manage to install the barcode font properly. So I converted it to
> > > BDF (in the required point size) using ttf2bdf based on the FreeType
> > > library, but still the report doesn't use the barcode font (although the
> > > font server correctly provides it). Instead, it is replaced by some
> > > Serif, or the barcode is left out entirely. I tried manipulating
> > > uifonts.ali in every way I could think of, but no success.
> > >
> > > I called Oracle support, but they didn't really help me. They said it's
> > > not sufficient if the font server knows the required fonts. They pointed
> > > me to PPD, HPD, AFM, and TFM directories in .../tk60/admin/, and they
> > > said that the standard printer which is installed under the OS is
> > > relevant. Now I wonder why the standard printer has got any influence on
> > > the produced PDF, which after all should be a "Portable Document
> > > Format"? In our application, the report is generated on a server, and
> > > printed on one of some hundred attached clients with various printers!
> > > Besides, how can I obtain HP-specific TFM files from the TTF barcode
> > > font?
> > >
> > > I'd be very grateful for any hint.
> > >
> > > Stefan Rave
Received on Wed Jul 18 2001 - 04:21:51 CEST

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