Re: VB 5 and Oracle

From: Scott <>
Date: 1998/03/24
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Check your oracle odbc driver version, RDO won't work if your not using an odbc 2.0 compliant driver. Oracle has a 32bit odbc driver (ver 2.5) which is 2.0 compliant and can be downloaded from their website (I think it's under free downloads). I think you can also use the MS Oracle driver that comes with VB5.

Scott Vassar...

Walter Dyck wrote:

> Oke Guy's, If someone can tell me what is wrong with this ...
> Public Function OracleConnect() As Integer
> Dim sConnect_Orcl As String
> Dim sQueryStr_Orcl As String
> Dim sQueryNm_Orcl As String
> sQueryStr_Orcl = "Select * from common_item_detail"
> sQueryNm_Orcl = "Oracle1"
> gRDO_Connect_Orcl.Connect = sConnect_Orcl
> gRDO_Connect_Orcl.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
> gRDO_Connect_Orcl.EstablishConnection rdDriverComplete
> Set gRDO_Query_Orcl = gRDO_Connect_Orcl.CreateQuery(sQueryNm_Orcl,
> sQueryStr_Orcl)
> Set gRDO_Result_Orcl = gRDO_Query_Orcl.OpenResultset(rdOpenForwardOnly)
> gRDO_Result_Orcl.MoveLast: gRDO_Result_Orcl.MoveFirst
> End Function
> I keep getting errors like :
> runtime error 40002 - drivers SQLSetConnectAttr failed
> Thanks for your time and advise...
> Email :
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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