Tabs: Use Forms 4.5 or upgrade to 5.0?

From: Todd Owers <>
Date: 1998/03/23
Message-ID: <01bd56b7$6b10a9e0$>#1/1

[Quoted] I understand that Forms 5.0 supports tabbed canvases. How robust is this feature?

Presumably it is easier to implement tabs in 5.0 than in 4.5. How much easier? Is the effort of converting an existing application from 4.5 to 5.0 worth the benefit of easier tab implementation? In other words, if all I want to add to an existing 4.5 application is tabbed canvases, should I upgrade to 5.0 to do it, or stay with 4.5?

Thanks in advance for your opinion.

Todd Owers Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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