Re: OPO View Not Showing Tables

From: Rick Morley <>
Date: 1997/04/16
Message-ID: <01bc4ace$2e53e620$1b9d03d0_at_ricks-nec>#1/1

You wrote:
Roy Wagner <> wrote in article ..
> But the OPO "Getting Started" on pages 3.16 - 3.20 show the Table Lists.
> We I try and edit the table I do not get the Table lists.

I do'nt think there is a way to directly edit a view after it's saved and closed. Perhaps the next release will have this capablity. When I have to view-to-edit I just recreate the view. If you delete the first one you can keep the same name for the new one so you will not have change any other 'calling code'.
I do this a lot - it's becoming a no brainer. My wife says thats good for me.

[Quoted] < From the desktop of- Rick Morley >
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Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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