Re: Can you SNMP query OEM?

From: John Hurley <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 17:27:54 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>


> Thanks John.
> I had a look at the documentation, but I haven't scoured it in detail.
> I didn't think the documentation I read was clear - a lot of confusing
> terms in use.
> This is really a design question - I don't have anything installed at
> this stage, I just want to know which way to go.
> I'll re-phrase the questoin: are there any circumstances of Oracle
> installation - grid control/not grid control/database control/any
> Oracle version - in which a central point such as OEM holds
> information on behalf of distirbuted Oracle databases, that can be got
> at with an snmpget?

If you are considering purchasing and using Oracle database software including possibly grid control or if not at least the diagnostic pack ( maybe tuning pack ) then you have a lot of better choices for monitoring Oracle than integrating some 3rd party package using snmp functionality.

Oracle software these days on recent releases does a pretty darn good job of monitoring and alerting ... why not use that functionality.

Take a look at that 10.2 doc link I gave you for snmp stuff ( really probably you want to take a look at the 11.2 version of that doc ) ... it can lead you into other areas.

You probably really want to use the services of an experienced Oracle technical architect or at least a strong Oracle DBA as you look at design options.

Asking questions about how you are going to use snmp to monitor Oracle without a clear plan of what Oracle options you are going to use ( RAC maybe ... grid control maybe ... diagnostic and/or tuning packs maybe ) is kind of like trying to use the tail to wag the dog. Get the design of the Oracle infrastructure down first. Received on Sun Jul 04 2010 - 19:27:54 CDT

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