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Re: ORA-03113 on connection to one out of 4 databases on the same machine

From: NetComrade <>
Date: 1 May 2006 19:29:17 -0700
Message-ID: <>

NetComrade wrote:
> This is a very weird issue.. I have tried different clients
> (,10.1, 10.2) and getting similar 'results'.
> The weird part is that the machine that this connects 2 has 4
> databases running, and this is the only database that has these
> issues. The machine has 2x9.2.0.7 databases running, 1x10g (
> enterprise and this is a 10g database standard ( it's
> patched vs the enterprise version b/c I was hoping this issue would go
> away. The config's between the databases are almost identical (except
> for some memory parameters, but all generally have a ~400M overall
> SGA).. each has it's own listener.
> The issue is not easily reproduceable, but one can be almost certain
> that he'll receive an ORA-0313 at some poing during the session,
> weather it's on a log out or while trying to execute a query. None of
> the 3 other databases experience this issue. The install is from the
> same installation files as the 10g enterprise install.. I tried
> relinking oracle (std) as well. there is absolutely nothing in any of
> the dump directories or alert.log

After reproducing it on another client machine, I reinstalled 10g standard for like the 3rd time (still same installation files) and the issue went away.

Oracle makes it more difficult to work with oraInventory with 10g.. When I just deleted my standard installation and installed the base install, the patch installer refused to work until I wiped out the entire oraInventory.. I still don't understand why they needed to come up with it, I can keep track of Oracle installations w/o any 'inventory' directories. Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 21:29:17 CDT

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