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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Prepare documents on upgrading Oracle?
I am assigned this DBA task of upgrading our DB from 9i R2 to 10g R2 although I am not a DBA at all.
My question is, when you upgrade to a new Oracle version, do you
prepare a whole document on the upgrading of your server? I actually
have found the Oracle 10g R2 upgrade guide and it is very extensive in
steps and descriptions after reading it, but my manager still asked me
to prepare a detailed upgrade steps.
I mean since it is already so well documented, what is the point of I
copying/pasting every word again. I know I must prepare the information
on our own server first.
Any advice?
warren Received on Wed Apr 19 2006 - 22:46:05 CDT