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Re: Oracle licence question

From: Tony Rogerson <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:17:28 -0000
Message-ID: <dtun3m$530$1$>

> I still have noticed that the majority of 'SQL Server developers' I have
> met use T-SQL when a single SQL statement will suffice.

I think most people who work within the database professional will tell you inexperienced developers prefer to code using cursors, thats not a vendor thing, its simply because thats the experience they have and its how 3gl, 4gl languages tend to work.

Now if you are saying nobody in Oracle uses cursors, well, I think I would have to fall off my chair laughing.

Getting developers to think in sets is difficult, I mean - did you start your SQL career with the full ability to write complex queries with derived tables, sub-queries etc... or did, like most, learn through experience and training?

The last Oracle developer I met thought it was a bug in SQL Server that you could do this...

BEGIN TRAN CREATE TABLE .... ROLLBACK TRAN He just couldn't get his head round DDL transactions.

Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP - free video tutorials

"HansF" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:57:04 +0000, Tony Rogerson wrote:
>> But to reiterate the original point - a good database professional will,
>> given a problem try and code it to FIPS 127-2 FULL (ANSI 92) and if it
>> doesn't perform well enough will then look at vendor extensions. If you
>> are
>> writing an application that needs to run on SQL Server, Oracle and DB2
>> then
>> you need to write portable SQL, that seems to be lost on HansF and
>> probably
>> DA too.
> If it were at the SQL level, I'd be OK with portability. A SQL statement
> is a SQL statement right? <LOL>
> I still have noticed that the majority of 'SQL Server developers' I have
> met use T-SQL when a single SQL statement will suffice.
> The demands that defeat portability are at the series of statements
> (transactional) level. In which case you must start understanding the
> behaviour of the database. And code the set of SQL statements to that
> behaviour. Which varies by vendor. Which seems to be lost on you.
> Looking forward to your response - but I will be going back to meaningful
> work for a while so you have the last word. Make it a good, scathing,
> one.
> --
> Hans Forbrich
> Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting
> mailto:
> *** Top posting [replies] guarantees I won't respond. ***
Received on Mon Feb 27 2006 - 05:17:28 CST

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