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Re: Oracle licence question

From: Tony Rogerson <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:10:22 -0000
Message-ID: <dtummc$kr3$1$>

> But I guess if you are a troll with religious zeal for Microsoft you
> can't point to any of those so you just invent stuff in a vain attempt
> to make a point.

My foundation in IT is with the mainframe, VSAM, DB2, PL/1, CICS and Application System; I've also a few years of developing using System W.

So I have a broad background within IT, because I choose to develop using MS technologies does undo any of that of which was and still is a good solid foundation.

> Please take your trolling and go away. It has not escaped anyone's
> notice that you are posting from SQLSERVERFAQ.COM which is a paid for
> marketing arm of the Microsoft Corporation.

I get no funding from MS, I run the user group and site through my own pocket and through events I run through the year, they see fit to award me with MVP for my contribution to community and thats for work I do here in the UK with the user group I run and through my FAQ on

But, I guess that would give you some sort of satisfaction if it where true, but alas, it isn't - perhaps if it was I would be able to do what I really enjoy and thats is picking out those within IT who bring us all a bad name!

> A complaint is being lodged with Microsoft on Monday with respect
> to your activities.

Feel free, as an IT professional and an independent SQL Server consultant here in the UK I feel it is my duty to bring some balance to statements you make about SQL Server because they are so far from the truth its bizzarre, now if you don't like that then don't spout rubbish!

On a final note does your user group get funding from Oracle then, perhaps we have hit a nerve.....

Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP - free video tutorials

"DA Morgan" <> wrote in message

> Tony Rogerson wrote:
>> But to reiterate the original point - a good database professional will,
>> given a problem try and code it to FIPS 127-2 FULL (ANSI 92)
> This is utter nonsense. If anyone on a team I managed did that I'd
> escort them to the door. In fact in 36 years in this industry I have
> never once encountered, in multiple organizations in multiple countries
> anyone that would place standards compliance ahead of security,
> stability, scalability, and speed.
> But I guess if you are a troll with religious zeal for Microsoft you
> can't point to any of those so you just invent stuff in a vain attempt
> to make a point.
> Please take your trolling and go away. It has not escaped anyone's
> notice that you are posting from SQLSERVERFAQ.COM which is a paid for
> marketing arm of the Microsoft Corporation.
> A complaint is being lodged with Microsoft on Monday with respect
> to your activities.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> (replace x with u to respond)
Received on Mon Feb 27 2006 - 05:10:22 CST

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