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Re: Slow inserts with Oracle 10g

From: <>
Date: 23 Nov 2005 12:57:43 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded.
Clemenza wrote:
> Hello,
> we use Oracle 10g on Solaris 10. Before we used Oracle 8i with Solaris
> 8. We made a test where we insatelled the OS than Oracle and right after
> inserted ~35.000 records in empty tables.

Inserting into empty tables tells very little, if anything, as to how a product will perform when those tables aren't empty and the insert volume remains fairly constant. Also, you've changed more than one variable in this equation as you've upgraded not only the DBMS but the underlying operating system. You mention nothing of the physical configuration of these servers (memory, disk, cpu); are they identical in this regard? If so, you are in for a rude awakening as Solaris 10 consumes more memory than Solaris 8 did for the same configuration. Adding to that a DBMS upgrade from 8i (which doesn't say much, as 8i spanned through to 10g (which still doesn't say much for similar reasons) you have a situation where too many variables have changed. And you simply lay the blame on Oracle 10g. I'd like to know where you obtained your crystal ball.

> At the moment we have a problem that the insert statements - on Oracle
> 10 - cpu time takes 50-100% more than before and the elapsed time
> sometimes 200% more regarding Oracle statistics.

Install 10g on Solaris 8 and see how your performance measures up to your 8i on Solaris 8 standard. Or, install the same release of 8i on your Solaris 10 machine and see how well or how poorly that runs. When you can confidently eliminate the operating system as a possible source of your 'problem' then you can concentrate on configuring 10g to better serve your needs. Until you exhaust ALL possibilities you are simply shooting in the dark. Yes, you can hit something with your shots, but the likelihood of it being beneficial is slim.

> Do you have any idea how can we procced with such an error?
> Thanks!

What 'error'? You've presented none to my knowledge, outside of not providing sufficient information to diagnose your problem. Post the server configuration for both systems if you truly want useful responses.

David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Nov 23 2005 - 14:57:43 CST

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