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Re: 10g Enthusiasm (Was: So what if 8i is outta support ?)

From: Paul Drake <>
Date: 25 Oct 2004 12:50:31 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Dusan Bolek) wrote in message news:<>...
> DA Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1098641055.308411_at_yasure>...
> > The point is to find the right person ... and in my mind ... to reward
> > those that take their profession seriously. Anyone today working in 8i
> > and not studying 10g is a fraud. Their employer may not have it but
> > there is no excuse for them not to.
> It looks like DM is the biggest 10g evangelist here. :-) However, I do
> not know about the situation in the US, but here it is no so hot. Just
> last week I asked the local Oracle repr. about any production
> reference using 10g. There is not a single one in the country, with
> some exceptions from an educational sector (that doesn't count). So
> there is simply no demand from employers for 10g skill yet. As I see
> it, I will in the first half of the next year attend Oracle 10g - New
> features for administrator/developers and sometime in the middle of
> 2005 maybe I will start thinking about using 10g for the first time in
> my organizations (it is almost two years since I did this with 9i,
> seems like yesterday).
> Of course, I already installed and played with Oracle 10g, but simply
> because of curiosity and anxiety to see it, not because of any real
> need. So I do not see 10g skill right now right here as a must. Maybe
> in some other countries the situation is entirely different.

With end of Error Correction Support for 9.2 being 01-JUL-2007 for most platforms, I don't see people jumping off of 9.2 anytime soon. Based upon issues with, we haven't even hit the <stable> patchset version for this release anyways (cumulative), let alone the terminal one.

but the instrumentation in 10g is mighty appetizing.

otoh, not having to support both 8i OFA and 10g OFA on the same box is reason alone for migrating.

-bdbafh Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 14:50:31 CDT

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