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Re: Database won't start Automatic, balks at datafile mount

From: Purity Control <>
Date: 27 Jul 2004 05:57:01 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Frank van Bortel <> wrote in message news:<cdtnoq$s18$>...
> Purity Control wrote:
> > Frank van Bortel <> wrote in message news:<cdnurf$m2j$>...
> >
> >>Purity Control wrote:
> >>
> >>>Frank van Bortel <> wrote in message news:<cdldb8$fdd$>...
> >
> >
> > [liberal snippage]
> >
> >
> >>>The behavior I am seeing is that both services go to a status of "Started"
> >>>and OracleStartSID never completes. This is why the background services are
> >>>in memory. It cannot complete, because the service is unable to mount
> >>>the database files. This is the real mystery -- what can't it mount
> >>>the database files?
> >>
> >>Where do you have that information from?!?
> >
> >
> > Logical conclusion from the Alert Log and Task Manager. The Alert Log
> > clearly shows that all the background processes have started, and the
> > Task Manager shows the SGA in memory. The next process in a startup
> > is to mount the datafiles and open the database. The datafiles never
> > mount.
> >
> >
> >>I've seen similar behaviour
> >>on the same platform with clusters, where the service simply was faster
> >>than the cluster s/w. The drive(s) on which the data files resided,
> >>simply weren't available at the time the service was started.
> >>- move the data files to direct attached storage devices (and
> >> prove the point)
> >>- make the service dependant on the cluster services.
> >
> >
> > This is a Windows NT PC, not a unix box. The disks are available at
> > boot. The fact that the server has 2 databases on it, and the
> > datafiles for both are on the same drive (F:) is more proof
> > that the device F: is available. One database opens just fine,
> > the other balks at the datafile mount on reboots.
> >
> Windows can cluster, too ;-)
> >
> >>Hm - symptoms, that would subscribe to the above.
> >>What about a Command Line Interface (CLI - or "DOS Box"), and:
> >>net start OracleStartVAPP
> >>or
> >>net stop OracleStartVAPP
> >
> >
> > Yeah, done that many a time. It starts and stops
> > cleanly from a Command Prompt window, just not
> > at a server reboot.
> >
> > I really need this database to open at reboot. I'm shipping
> > this server to a site with no DBA. All they are going to know
> > how to do is reboot the server. If the database doesn't open
> > at reboot, they'll be lost.
> >
> >
> >>What about the NT logs (specifically: Application and Security
> >>Logs) - any failure codes there?
> >
> >
> > Event logs are clean.
> >
> > Thanks.
> Puzzled....

So am I. I am convinced though, that it's operating system related.

Here's why - Our sys admin recently brought up a freshly installed NT 4.0 SP6 server. I installed Oracle 7.3.4 on it and copied over the errant database VAPP. Created new services for it and guess what happened? Yep, VAPP starts automatic on the newly created NT server. Which means something is screwed on our three old NT 4.0 servers, as VAPP won't start automatic on any of the them (at least it means the messed up part is consistent across the servers.)

Just for kicks, I am going to create a new VAPP and export the old VAPP into it, just to see what happens on the old NT server.

Thanks. Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 07:57:01 CDT

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