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Re: Database won't start Automatic, balks at datafile mount

From: Frank van Bortel <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 15:27:16 +0200
Message-ID: <cdtnoq$s18$>

Purity Control wrote:
> Frank van Bortel <> wrote in message news:<cdnurf$m2j$>...

>>Purity Control wrote:
>>>Frank van Bortel <> wrote in message news:<cdldb8$fdd$>...

> [liberal snippage]
>>>The behavior I am seeing is that both services go to a status of "Started"
>>>and OracleStartSID never completes.  This is why the background services are
>>>in memory.  It cannot complete, because the service is unable to mount
>>>the database files.  This is the real mystery -- what can't it mount
>>>the database files?
>>Where do you have that information from?!?

> Logical conclusion from the Alert Log and Task Manager. The Alert Log
> clearly shows that all the background processes have started, and the
> Task Manager shows the SGA in memory. The next process in a startup
> is to mount the datafiles and open the database. The datafiles never
> mount.
>>I've seen similar behaviour
>>on the same platform with clusters, where the service simply was faster
>>than the cluster s/w. The drive(s) on which the data files resided,
>>simply weren't available at the time the service was started.
>>- move the data files to direct attached storage devices (and
>>   prove the point)
>>- make the service dependant on the cluster services.

> This is a Windows NT PC, not a unix box. The disks are available at
> boot. The fact that the server has 2 databases on it, and the
> datafiles for both are on the same drive (F:) is more proof
> that the device F: is available. One database opens just fine,
> the other balks at the datafile mount on reboots.

Windows can cluster, too ;-)

>>Hm - symptoms, that would subscribe to the above.
>>What about a Command Line Interface (CLI - or "DOS Box"), and:
>>net start OracleStartVAPP
>>net stop OracleStartVAPP

> Yeah, done that many a time. It starts and stops
> cleanly from a Command Prompt window, just not
> at a server reboot.
> I really need this database to open at reboot. I'm shipping
> this server to a site with no DBA. All they are going to know
> how to do is reboot the server. If the database doesn't open
> at reboot, they'll be lost.
>>What about the NT logs (specifically: Application and Security
>>Logs) - any failure codes there?

> Event logs are clean.
> Thanks.



Frank van Bortel
Received on Sat Jul 24 2004 - 08:27:16 CDT

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