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Re: Oracle 9iAS vs Oracle 10g AS

From: Hans Forbrich <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 01:18:21 GMT
Message-ID: <xNiMc.110149$eO.65078@edtnps89>

John Smith wrote:

> Well, I say I am interested in the J2EE portion because we currently
> have an Oracle 9iAS license and all 9i databases except for one which
> is 10g. We do not currently have a 10g AS license. However, I am
> instructed to use Jdeveloper 10g, I have built some sample apps using
> JDeveloper 10g specific (ADF-UIX) and have not had any issues so far
> hitting a 9i database (in the dev environment). However, I am curious
> whether we are reaping the REAL benefits if the database is not 10g.
> So I guess the better question is, are the AS upgrades (as in J2EE 1.4
> compliant) really separate from the 10g database?
> Thoughts?

Not only thoughts, but opinions as well <g>

There is nothing wrong with using Java, and JDeveloper has so many innovations and built in tools that it is almost worth using even if you don't Java at all.

J2EE is a great specification and should be considered as one of the possible tools for developing a final solution. However, you need to realize that J2EE contains 2 major area:

Also realize that Servlets can directly contact Stored Procedures through JDBC. Servlets and JSPs are 'A Good Thing'

Many organizations are now finding that EJB is a heavyweight tool that is satisfactory for industrial-strength distributed middle-tier. (EJB often attempts to remove dependancy on specific databases by absorbing much of the database capability into itself.) It does need a LOT of very specialized care and feeding and even pro-J2EE organizations are starting to realize EJB is VERY expensive.

An organization that has a decent knowledge of, and significant investment in, Oracle and wants to see that investment paid back should consider using [none or ONLY stateless session beans] and should also look to other technology - such as [Java and/or PL/SQL] Stored Procedures - wherever 'Entity Beans' might be considered.

A decent discussion about the risks and costs of J2EE, and some alternatives, is in the O'Reilly Book "Better, Faster, Lighter Java" at

Oracle Application Server 10g is a significant improvement over Oracle9i App Server (even given the "repca is not currently on WIndows" limitation) especially in the areas of administration. Definitely worth considering.

Oracle Database 10g is a significant improvement over Oracle9i Database, especially in the areas of administration. However, I am not aware of any significant changes in Oracle Database 10g that could benefit a pure J2EE 1.4 application over Oracle9i Database.

When playing in a pure J2EE arena, the benefits of Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Application Server 10g are (IMO) truly independent. This statement changes when you start looking at Oracle Application Server 10g Standard or Enterprise Edition.

(Note: I am NOT an Oracle employee)
/Hans Received on Fri Jul 23 2004 - 20:18:21 CDT

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