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c.d.o.server: by subject
- BIGINT support?
- Copy database?
- creating a foreign key referencing a non-primary key
- DB Link to SQL Server?
- dynamic service registration
- Excessive Logical and Physical I/O
- Fragmentation and TRUNCATE vs. DROP
- getting result like in desc some_table with select?
- Help - Oracle not available on running catproc.sql in 9i
- How to create an user "INTERNAL" in Oracle9i ???
- how to model object containment in relational
- installing oracle workflow ?string?
- Is 10g much slower than 9i?
- Looking for a good way to convert from dictionnary manged TBS to Locally managed ones
- Multi Threaded server not working for many inserts?
- New audit trigger question
- optimizer question
- ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor
- Oracle and RMI
- Oracle Client on RedHat Linux- can't run sqlplus as another user
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle9i Installation on Windows 2k Server
- Performance &Tunning
- PL/SQL web strange problem
- poor OCFS performance under Linux
- Problems installing Oracle9i on Fedora with 256 RAM
- RAC and load-balancing a connection pool
- real applicaton cluster
- Relink gives errors
- Seperate Oracle Homes for each instance.
- SQL Serious Challenge # 1 - Probably Not Much Fun
- tkprof problem
- trivial pursuit - filesystemio_options
- Unable to distinguish the difference in RMAN configuration
- utlbstat/utlestat
- Yearly Automatic Table Insertion
- Last message date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 23:38:46 CST
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 07:11:20 CST