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Re: Making a little java server under oracle

From: Paul Brewer <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 00:13:01 -0000
Message-ID: <>

"Rauf Sarwar" <> wrote in message
> > I agree 100%
> >
> > I have also noticed this and have seen Java procedures being
> > created/used which almost exactly replicate already existing
> > functionality provided by PL/SQL.
> >
> > In fact, recently we adopted the policy whereby you have to get your
> > supervisor/team leaders approval to create a java stored proc in an
> > attempt to encourage finding PL/SQL solutions first.
> >
> > I think a possible reason for people over-using Java is just
> > familiarity - many of the new developers we get are
> > familiar/experienced with Java (which they often picked up while at
> > uni), but very few have any PL/SQL experience (referring to entry
> > level positions here).
> >
> > Add to this the NDH problem (Not Developed Here) where you often get
> > developers wanting to write everything themselves rather than
> > utilizing already existing solutions/packages etc and suddenly you
> > have all these java procedures which really replicate existing
> > procedures or packages or which could just as easily (often more
> > easily) have been done with PL/SQL.
> >
> > Tim
> Good assessment Tim.
> What I have seen in my experience is that more and more new
> programmers coming out of colleges put a lot of emphasis in writing a
> piece of complicated code in Java, C++ etc and think they have learnt
> it "all".
> What I usually tell these programmers is that "any programmer" can
> write a piece of code given a compiler, good online help or "Learn
> blah blah in 21 days". Java, C++ are nothing but tools to do a certain
> thing. Given numerous 4GL tools out there, the most important thing is
> to learn the technology, keep it simple and use the "right" tool for
> the "right" job.
> With JVM in Oracle, there is a widespread notion to either convert
> everything PLSQL to java or write everything in java without
> understanding the remifications. To most parts this is done by
> ambitious Project/IT Managers who also like to add Java on their
> resume's. Programmers go along with it for the same reasons... I have
> seen this a lot.
> The downside to all this is that the new programmers gain experience
> putting more and more emphasis on learning and using a certain tool
> rather then learning the core technology and programming discipline to
> "always" keep it simple and efficient and using the right tool.
> Regards
> /Rauf Sarwar

Where is Thomas Kyte?
To paraphrase:
If you can do it in SQL, then do it in SQL

If you can't do it in SQL, then do it in PL/SQL
If you can't do it in PL/SQL, then do it in Java
If you can't do it in Java, what is it exactly you are trying to do?

Paul Received on Tue Dec 03 2002 - 18:13:01 CST

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