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c.d.o.server: by subject
- 8.1.5i install failure on NT
- Best way to parse strings in PL/SQL
- Can you tell if client/server connection is OK? (OCI)
- Cannot Drop Table
- CBT for Oracle8 Performance Tuning
- Configuring a new database on netware
- Error 12514
- Error message when using database link
- Exporting data from Oracle
- Help on creating tablespace
- Help Requested on Pragma
- How to call shell script from PL/SQL ?.
- Implicit Commit
- Iniciativa Consulting Download Whitepapers
- IOUG Live in Anaheim CA.
- JDBC over OCI -- degenerative performance & stability
- OAS and Windows2000
- OCP Cert: Book and Selfttestsoftware.com
- ORA-12514 TNS Client problem....
- Oracle 8i on Intel Solaris8
- Oracle 8i on linux (RH6)
- Oracle AQ
- Oracle data export
- Overview: TESTING COMPUTER SOFTWARE Conference (TCS2000)
- Performance question - Updage with Correlated/Non Correleated Sub Query
- PLS-00201 while querying w/ interMedia (ConText) index
- Problem with dynamic SQL
- query on Long data type
- Question about temporary tablespace
- Report to mail ?
- Req help: Oracle 8.0.5 Server Edition and RedHat Linux 6.1, creating a new SID
- RMAN: connecting to target db problem???
- Scripted 8.1.5 DB creation on WinNT 4.0
- SID's on netware
- SQL Plus Help Please
- System Tables in User Tablespace???
- Tablespaces structure question!
- There's one problem...
- will oracle 8.0.5 work on Windows 2000
- Last message date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 06:57:46 CST