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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Problems with creating new database
I am new to oracle and I have been working to create a new database using
oracle 8 under NT4.0.
I used the tool - Database Assistant and created a new database called TST.
I then had to manually modify the listener.ora and manually create a
Service to the new SID (also called TST).
Now I tried to go into the enterprise manager as "system" using the new service and I get an error in the Oracle Repository Manager:
XP-07016: A database error has occurred:
insert into smp_rep_version (c_component, c_current_version, c_unused)
values (:1,:2,'')
ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace
What do I need to do? Shouldn't the utiltiy that created the database take
care of this? What is the best way to manage/create a database. Oracel 8
tools do not seem to be integrated/work properly. If thats the case then
whats the best way to manage the database, although I may be using the
tools wrong.
Haresh Assumal
Email: Received on Thu Sep 25 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT