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Re: How to "break into" DBA profession?

From: Van Messner <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 19:58:49 -0500
Message-ID: <IVY24.16277$>

You have what you need to get started. Identify a modest need at your current site and create a small database with a front end to fill the need. Then suggest something larger and do that. At that point you can start adding bells and whistles - Designer/Developer, Web enabling etc. In other words, give yourself some paid on the job training. You will help your company and you will gain new skills.


WORLOK <> wrote in message news:82ff90$lsf$
> Hi,
> I am a UNIX/Linux lover, and I admin a hetergeneous environment where I
> work (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux, BSDI, NT/W2K, etc...), but alas no DB
> experience. We have a backend Oracle DB running on HP-UX, but it is the
> backend to a Remedy Helpdesk System, and it doesn't ever seem to need
> any manual DBA tuning. It just chugs along. I can get the Linux
> version of Oracle, but what would I do with it to learn? I figure the
> only way to get a job is to point to some kind of production
> experience. Alas I am at the fateful situation - how to get the job
> without experience, but how to get the experience without the job...
> I keep seeing all of the hot salaries for DBA types, but they are all
> looking for Senior Gurus. I can't seem to find out a good way to get
> into the DBA area, or work with DB's so as to learn the skills. What
> kind of job can a UNIX guy with no real DB experience get that will get
> him in the door, without taking a huge pay cut?? I know being a
> programmer would help, but do you need to actually be a programmer, or
> just know some programming? (there is somewhat of a difference)
> I hope that this is the right place to ask this. Any advice GREATLY
> appreciated.
> --
> ===============================
> Windoze NT has crashed,
> I am the Blue Screen of Death,
> No one hears your screams...
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Received on Mon Dec 06 1999 - 18:58:49 CST

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