Re: SQL Performance

From: Lothar Flatz <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:13:55 +0100
Message-ID: <>

It should be possible to rewrite the statement avoiding that column level selects.
Am 12.03.2024 um 16:09 schrieb Lothar Flatz:
> Have to correct myself, line 7 is executed 23 time, thus estimate
> looks ok.
> Am 12.03.2024 um 16:03 schrieb Lothar Flatz:
>> Hi Amit,
>> it is both time the access on table PO_HEADERS_ALL where time is spend.
>> That is in Line 7 where the selection criteria is
>> "POH"."ATTRIBUTE1"=:B1 AND "POH"."ORG_ID"=:B2. As an easiest option
>> an Index on (ORG_ID, ATTRIBUTE1) might be useful.
>> We see that the estimates are somewhat off, as estimated was 1 row,
>> whereas 23 rows were retrieved.
>> An improvement of statistics might be advisable.
>> On line 28, the same table, but this time selection criteria are
>> NVL("POH"."CANCEL_FLAG",'N')='N').
>> As the same columns as above are included and the columns proved to
>> be selective in line 7 probably the same index would help.
>> This , if possible create an index on PO_HEADERS_ALL (ORG_ID,
>> There might be some testing necessary of just one of the two columns
>> is enough etc.
>> However as a first attempt that might be a good startpoint.
>> Thanks
>> Lothar
>> Am 12.03.2024 um 15:38 schrieb Amit Saroha:
>>> HiĀ All,
>>> I have the enclosed query running rather slowly, and I'd like to
>>> enhance it such that it finishes in a few seconds. The query is a
>>> SELECT statement on a view and I enclosed the view text.
>>> Please review the accompanying query and monitoring report and
>>> provide input for improvements.
>>> I appreciate your aid and support in advance.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> AMIT

Received on Tue Mar 12 2024 - 16:13:55 CET

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