Multitenant and Timezones

From: Mark Davidson <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:43:27 -0500
Message-ID: <>


Running on an X8-2 ODA ver 19.17, linux 7, RAC, Multientant and 100+ databases

In stand-alone databases I use " $ srvctl setenv database -db DB1 -t 'TZ=Europe/Brussels' " for example to set the timezone. I have about a dozen DB's with non-EST timezones. It is a requirement for our customers to reflect the proper timezone in their data.

For multitenant (migrating to), I've read that multiple timezones are allowed for PDB's in a CDB but I'm finding this this is an issue and the PDB's still reflect the CDB's timezone.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Maybe I'm not setting the timezone correctly?

Any help would be appreciated.


Received on Thu Feb 29 2024 - 19:43:27 CET

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