Re: Could you help me offering the similar scripts for manua

From: richard goulet <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:39:44 -0500
Message-ID: <>

     I will provide a word of warning here.

     Statistics are a real pain in the neck since most users do not understand how they are used, how they are computed, and why they don't get the results they expect and that goes for significant number of dba's as well.  As a result I do not recommend manual stats computation scripts or giving users access to run them.

     I had a number of "educated users" who demanded stats computation rights because a particular index was or was not used in their query they way they believed it should.  Many don't understand that "upper(column_name)" kills indexes because of the function call, nor do they understand why "user_function_call(column_name)" does or does not cause a index to be used. or why an indexed column with 99% redundancy isn't used.

     For sanity's sake keep that functionality away from users.

Richard Goulet
Principle Oracle DBA
Now in retirement & loving it.

Received on Sun Dec 31 2023 - 18:39:44 CET

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