Re: What exactly is InnoDB engine in Mysql?

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 11:45:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Well, the advice first: I am rather familiar with PostgreSQL, in addition to Oracle RDBMS. The advice is simple: read a few books, install MySQL onto your laptop and play with the database. Try doing what you would normally do Oracle and see what does it  take with MySQL.

As for the storage engine, it is an implementation of the MySQL API for doing I/O. There is a set of generic operations, like "write to file", "read from file", "commit", "log" and alike. An engine is an implementation of those calls. InnoDB is the most standard among those engines, but there are others:

MySQL can be used with engine=memory in which case it acts just like x10 ("Times Ten") and is rather fast. When dealing with cache, you should always remember that mauve database takes the least RAM.

  On 12/17/23 09:43, kunwar singh wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> I come from an Oracle DB background and am trying to understand the
> meaning of various components in Mysql. I don't understand what
> exactly is the engine in the InnoDB *"engine" and *the whole notion of
> various /engines/ in MySQL*. *Is it the MySQL equivalent of  Database
> Buffer Cache in Oracle database?
> Any recommendations (blogs/trainings/videos) for making the transition
> to Mysql easy for a Oracle DB specialist?
> --
> Cheers,
> Kunwar

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Sun Dec 17 2023 - 17:45:22 CET

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