Re: [External] : Re: Open cursor error

From: Pap <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 00:24:14 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Jonathan.

Yes definitely this application has issues with the code. At any point in time, I am seeing the majority of cursor_type as "OPEN". However I was trying to get hold of the exact top sesion and related sql_text which caused the failure(ora-01000) in the past with ~1000 open_cursors for that session. Is there any way to get that historical open cursor information from dba_hist/awr views?

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 2:10 PM Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:

> The "guilty" cursor_type being "OPEN" is what I wanted to see - if it had
> been one of the internal types then you might have have uncovered an Oracle
> bug, but simply "OPEN" means it's almost certainly an application coding
> error of the type that Andy described. (viz: exceptions being raised and
> cursors not being closed in the handler - e.g. when others then null;
> another is the server-side code explicitly opening a cursor and passing the
> cursor handle to the client-side and the client forgetting to close.)
> Pick a couple of sessions with a large number of cursors of type OPEN, and
> aggregate the SQL_ID - the results may be interesting, then check username
> and sql_text. This may tell you almost everything you need to know about
> where the error is coming from.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis

Received on Thu Aug 24 2023 - 20:54:14 CEST

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