Why RHEL 7.6 with Oracle RAC 11gR2 doesn't have ACFS and why patch (GI PSU 31718723) or patch (GI PSU 35369867) are both failed?

From: Quanwen Zhao <quanwenzhao_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:32:29 +0800
Message-ID: <CABpiuuQSzQ3vYR1JNYZkOYrv+Lj9OxpwsqJ21zL34JsHbZyaMQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello my folks and friends :-),

Recently one of my developer colleagues need perform some test on Oracle ACFS thus I have noticed several Oracle RAC test environments of our company and discovered only left *RAC 11g with RHEL7.6* and *RAC 19c with CentOS 7.6*.

But *Oracle MoS Doc ID 1369107.1* reveals that CentOS has not been supported for Oracle ACFS hence I have to play with it on my RAC 11g. Due to 11g RAC is the base version and it reported the following error when I installed ACFS module via "acfsroot install" on grid user.

[root_at_racdb01 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
> *Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)*
> [root_at_racdb01 ~]#
> [root_at_racdb01 ~]# uname -a
> Linux racdb01 *3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64* #1 SMP Thu Oct 4 20:48:51 UTC 2018
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> [root_at_racdb01 ~]#
> [root_at_racdb01 ~]# su - oracle
> Last login: Wed Aug 23 16:27:47 CST 2023 on pts/4
> [oracle_at_racdb01 ~]$
> [oracle_at_racdb01 ~]$ sqlplus -v

> SQL*Plus: Release ** Production

> [oracle_at_racdb01 ~]$ exit
> logout
> [root_at_racdb01 ~]# su - grid
> Last login: Wed Aug 23 13:30:43 CST 2023 on pts/3
> [grid_at_racdb01 ~]$
> *[grid_at_racdb01 ~]$ acfsroot installACFS-9459: ADVM/ACFS is not supported
> on this OS version: 'unknown'*
> [grid_at_racdb01 ~]$

Meanwhile *Doc ID 1369107.1* also mentioned that ACFS supported platform for *RHEL 7* need patch to **.

ACFS Supported Platforms

> Vendor Version Update/Kernel
> Architecture Bug
> or PSU
> -------------------- -----------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------
> *RedHat Linux 7 All Updates, 2.6.32-696.23.1 and later
> 2.6.32 RedHat kernels X86_64 (Base Bug
> 28729249)*

You know, or is the super PSU of 1901115, I try to patch one of them on 11g RAC.

*[root_at_racdb01 tmp]# unzip p31718723_112040_Linux-x86-64.zip*

> [grid_at_racdb01 ~]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
> [grid_at_racdb01 ~]$
> [grid_at_racdb01 ~]$ exit
> logout
> [root_at_racdb01 tmp]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/OPatch
> *[root_at_racdb01 OPatch]# ./opatch auto /tmp/31718723*
> Executing /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/OPatch/crs/patch11203.pl -patchdir /tmp -patchn
> 31718723 -paramfile /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params

> This is the main log file:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2023-08-22_16-13-11.log

> This file will show your detected configuration and all the steps that
> opatchauto attempted to do on your system:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2023-08-22_16-13-11.report.log

> 2023-08-22 16:13:11: Starting Clusterware Patch Setup
> Using configuration parameter file:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params

> *This is the main log file:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2023-08-22_16-13-11.log*

> This file will show your detected configuration and all the steps that
> opatchauto attempted to do on your system:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2023-08-22_16-13-11.report.log

> 2023-08-22 16:13:11: Starting Clusterware Patch Setup
> Using configuration parameter file:
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
> *The opatch minimum version check for patch /tmp/31718723/31537677 failed
> for /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1*
> Opatch version check failed for oracle home
> /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
> Opatch version check failed
> *ERROR: update the opatch version for the failed homes and retry*

> opatch auto failed.

So weird, I've updated opatch to the latest version ** on both grid and oracle user.

> *[grid_at_racdb01 ~]$ opatch versionOPatch Version:*

> OPatch succeeded.

> *[oracle_at_racdb01 ~]$ opatch versionOPatch Version:*

> OPatch succeeded.

I've found out the following error from the previously prompt log file.

[root_at_racdb01 tmp]# vi
> /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2023-08-22_16-13-11.log
> ......
> *PatchObject constructor: Input file
> "/tmp/31718723/31537677/17478514/etc/config/actions" or
> "/tmp/31718723/31537677/17478514/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.*
> ......

Could you help me troubleshooting it? Thanks beforehand!

Best Regards
Quanwen Zhao

Received on Thu Aug 24 2023 - 04:32:29 CEST

Original text of this message