Re: Suggestion for application caching

From: Lothar Flatz <>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2023 09:34:42 +0200
Message-ID: <>


Ok, relevant is this part:

| Id |                  Operation |             Name              | 
Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read  | Read  | 
Write | Write | Mem  | Temp  | Activity | Activity Detail |

|    | |                               | (Estim) |       | Active(s) |
Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | Bytes | Reqs  | Bytes | (Max) | (Max) |   (%)    |   (# samples)   |

|  2 |    HASH UNIQUE |                               |    512M |    7M
|       904 |     +1 |     1 |     357M | 17152 |  17GB | 17152 |  17GB
| 1GB |  17GB |          |                 |
|  3 |     HASH JOIN |                               |    512M |  4693
|       146 |     +2 |     1 |     357M |       |       |       |      
| 4MB |     . |          |                 |
|  4 |      JOIN FILTER CREATE                      |
:BF0000                       |    5694 |   231 |         1 |     +2 

|     1 |     5888 |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
|  5 |       HASH JOIN |                               |    5694 |   231
|         1 |     +2 |     1 |     5888 |       |       |       |      
| 4MB |     . |          |                 |
|  6 |        JOIN FILTER CREATE                    |
:BF0001                       |    5694 |    12 |         1 |     +2
|     1 |     5891 |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
|  7 |         TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL            |
A                             |    5694 |    12 |         1 |     +2
|     1 |     5891 |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
|  8 |        JOIN FILTER USE                       |
:BF0001                       |    140K |   219 |         1 |     +2
|     1 |    11143 |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
|  9 |         TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL            |
I                             |    140K |   219 |         1 |     +2

|     1 |    11143 |   284 |   8MB |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
| 10 |      JOIN FILTER USE                         |
:BF0000                       |    481K |  4297 |       146 |     +2 

|     1 |     481K |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |
| 11 |       TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL              |
M                             |    481K |  4297 |       146 |     +2 

|     1 |     481K |       |       |       | |     . |     . |         
|                 |

Or in as text:
   FROM  A, M ,  I
  WHERE   ... Now: the hash join is proliferating the number of rows by a lot. The extent of increase seems unusual. It is possible that a part of the join condition is missing .

So what could you do:
You can not reduce the number of rows before the Hash join, otherwise the distinct operation would have shown a drop in actual rows.

  1. You can ask if the really want all these rows or if further filtering can be applied.
  2. Double check the join condition. Is it complete?
  3. You can try to substantially increase PGA ( about 10 - 20 x )  . Also consider MOS 2808761.1
  4. You might want to test parallelizing (like parallel 4) the first query in the union, that might get you little more PGA
  5. You might experiment hinting a sort unique, don't know if it helps



Am 18.08.2023 um 23:45 schrieb yudhi s:

> Below is the part in bold showing ~17GB tempspill. Also , I have 
> posted the full sql monitor in the github link in the start of this 
> thread.
> SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=1390517125)
> ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================
> | Id |  Operation                   |             Name              | 
>  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read  | Read 
>  | Write | Write |  Mem  | Temp  | Activity | Activity Detail |
> |    |                        |                               | 
> (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | 
> Bytes | Reqs  | Bytes | (Max) | (Max) |   (%)    |   (# samples)   |
> ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================
> |  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                         |                     
>           |     |       |       917 |    +11 |     1 |     366M |     
>   |       |       |       |     . |     . |          |     |
> |  1 |   UNION-ALL                        |                           
>     |   |       |       781 |   +147 |     1 |     366M |       |     
> |       |       |     . |     . |          |   |
> *|  2 |    HASH UNIQUE                     |                           
>     |    512M |    7M |       904 |     +1 |     1 |     357M | 17152 
> |  17GB | 17152 |  17GB |   1GB |  17GB |          |     |
> *|  3 |     HASH JOIN                            |                     
>           |  512M |  4693 |       146 |     +2 |     1 |     357M | | 
>       |       |       |   4MB |     . |          |       |
> |  4 |      JOIN FILTER CREATE                      | :BF0000         
>               |    5694 |   231 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     
> 5888 |   |       |       |       |     . |     . |          |         |
> |  5 |       HASH JOIN                        |                       
>         |  5694 |   231 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     5888 | |   
>     |       |       |   4MB |     . |          |       |
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 3:12 AM Lok P <> wrote:
>     Where are you seeing the temp spill?
>     On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 2:52 AM yudhi s
>     <> wrote:
>         Hello Listers,
>         It's Oracle 19C. We have one third party app query in which
>         the results out of the query(which is ~300million rows) gets
>         fully cached by the app servers for certain requirements.
>         (Mostly because the other queries on top of those cached
>         result sets are required to be having a very fast response as
>         per business requirement).
>         And that query executes multiple times each day i.e. once for
>         each app server to cache the result sets. So currently during
>         cache refresh/invalidation, four app servers executing the
>         query each once i.e. four instances of the same query fired on
>         the database simultaneously from four different sessions. The
>         number of app servers is going to be increased to ~12 in
>         future, which means this query is going to be executed 12
>         times. For each execution , this query takes ~20GB temp space
>         and runs for ~20minutes(~5minutes in database and rest of the
>         time for fetching the rows to the application/client).
>         The issue which we are trying to address is , This query
>         consumes ~20GB of tempspace for one execution and for 12
>         servers we will need ~240GB of temp space for those ~20
>         minutes of duration. Are there any other options out there to
>         handle such a scenario?
>         Below is the sample query and its sql monitor(in the github
>         link). I have replaced the actual names with dummy names and
>         also just posted the basic skeleton to keep it simple here.
>         This query has five "UNION ALL" conditions and the TEMP SPACE
>         is spilling while applying the DISTINCT clause mostly. But the
>         application team is resisting that they can't get rid of the
>         "DISTINCT" clause because of current design and also the UNION
>         ALL is from multiple tables with different Join criteria. Also
>         only the specific columns are exposed out of the query but not
>         all. Is there any other way to minimize the tempspill here?
>         SQL Text
>         ------------------------------
>         SELECT  DISTINCT ....
>           FROM  A, M ,  I
>          WHERE   ...
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT DISTINCT ...
>           FROM C ,  M, I
>          WHERE     ....
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT...
>           FROM  M, I, MI
>          WHERE     ....
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT ....
>           FROM MSX  ,  M,  S, SIP,  IPS
>          WHERE   ...
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT ....
>           FROM CSX  ,M,S,SIP,IPS
>          WHERE    ....
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT ...
>           FROM ASX, M,S,SIP,IPS
>          WHERE   ....
>         Regards
>         Yudhi

Received on Sat Aug 19 2023 - 09:34:42 CEST

Original text of this message