RE: Tracing query inside procedure without 10046

From: Clay Jackson <"Clay>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2023 18:59:05 +0000
Message-ID: <>

And what's the reasoning behind at least not trying trace/Method-R?

Clay Jackson
Database Solutions Sales Engineer
[cid:image001.jpg_at_01D9C6CB.0FFA1A50]<><> office 949-754-1203 mobile 425-802-9603

From: <> On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Tracing query inside procedure without 10046

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On 8/1/23 01:25, Krishnaprasad Yadav wrote: Dear Gurus,

currently working on slowness issue of procedure which is part of procedure like : proc_name.subproc_name , over here i need to figure out the query related to subproc_name and not by using 10046 trace .

Well, there are two known application tuning methods: Method-R (my personal preference) and Method-C, based on the buffer cache hit ratio (BCHR). Method-R is based on the 10046 trace. Since you don't want that, the only thing you can fall back to is BCHR witchcraft. You should also collect 4-leaved clover, mandrake, black cats and similar, should you decide to use BCHR. DBMS_HPROF can tell you how much time is your package spending in which procedure, but it will inevitably leave out event based stuff. AWR reports can help with some of that, but, essentially, there is no substitution for SQL trace.


Mladen Gogala

Database Consultant

Tel: (347) 321-1217<>


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Received on Fri Aug 04 2023 - 20:59:05 CEST

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