Re: How to design data movement

From: Pap <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 14:35:48 +0530
Message-ID: <>

*Or should we wait and only run the batch in this downstream by ~1hr delay , means if upstream batch will push the data in stage for 9hrs , the the downstream batch will be triggered for the 8hrs batch(i.e. giving a buffer of 1hrs) to minimize the missing txn_ids data in any table. Will this be the correct approach?*

What is the guarantee that the missing data from the upstream will be available in the next hour? And also with the increasing buffer time you need to ensure that your backlog is not increasing to such an extent that you won't be able to catch up post an unusual upstream delay. I think in any case, you will need a solid design to not be a scapegoat in case of upstream chaos causing the delays and thus everybody will be waiting for you to catch up as yours is the target system which is going to deliver reports/analytics to the customer.

I don't have anything specific in mind though with regards to handling such scenarios, but others may comment here.

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 2:26 PM yudhi s <> wrote:

> Thank You mark.
> If I get you correct , in such a situation the approach should be to find
> out the max(Txn_ids) from all the tables , so in the above scenario it will
> be '4' for table1, '2' for table2 and 3 for table3. And then take the Min
> of all those txn_ids which will be txn_id '2' here. and only load the data
> till the txn_ids<=2 with equi join across all the tables. And rest of
> the txn_ids data should get picked up in subsequent hourly runs. Hope my
> understanding is correct here.
> But also even with this approach , like table2 and table3 having multiple
> rows with same txn_ids , in those cases if only one row came in the first
> batch but other rows for same txn_ids came in the subsequent batch, the
> will be chances of missing some of the rows for some txn_ids. Is there any
> way to handle such a scenario?
> Regarding below point, do you mean to say , we will pick all the txn_ids
> data using outer join, however in place of null we will manually put some
> default values so that the length of the row will not increase when we
> update the column with the exact value afterwards for catching up missing
> txn_ids data?
> *"IF you insist on UPDATE, find yourself an acceptable stand-in for NULL
> for as many of the columns as you can that is either the maximum width of
> the column or something like 80 percent of the maximum column width.
> UPDATEs are still expensive, but they are less expensive if the rows don’t
> grow on insert."*
> Or should we wait and only run the batch in this downstream by ~1hr delay
> , means if upstream batch will push the data in stage for 9hrs , the the
> downstream batch will be triggered for the 8hrs batch(i.e. giving a
> buffer of 1hrs) to minimize the missing txn_ids data in any table. Will
> this be the correct approach?
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 4:57 PM Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
>> My experience is that the folks USING the data find difficulties using
>> missing bits. Only rarely is it useful to include partial data. Air traffic
>> control and missile defense come to mind.
>> IF your analysts agree with my analysis, THEN the best way I know of is
>> to find the maximum transaction id for which you have data in all the
>> sources and use that as a maximum filter on each.
>> This relies on no “Swiss Cheese” batches where some transaction ids are
>> skipped in some sources and are filled in later, in which case you can also
>> record the maximum transaction already processed (zero the first time
>> unless you have negative transaction ids), which also presumes that your
>> transaction ids are monotonically increasing (like time in most of our
>> universe.)
>> Or you can simply use inner joins, or build just an inner join spine
>> intersecting the tables pairwise until you have a spine that will work when
>> you pull all the non-intersection columns after building the spine.
>> Your proposal to build with NULLs for missing values is fraught with
>> problems. UPDATES are expensive, and filling in NULLs expands each row
>> dynamically. (IF your analysts actually prefer to include rows with
>> temporarily missing data, read up on Tim Gorman’s explanations of why and
>> how an INSERT is the fastest update if your data is even mildly batchy,
>> which probably fits your data arrival texture).
>> IF you insist on UPDATE, find yourself an acceptable stand-in for NULL
>> for as many of the columns as you can that is either the maximum width of
>> the column or something like 80 percent of the maximum column width.
>> UPDATEs are still expensive, but they are less expensive if the rows don’t
>> grow on insert.
>> Good luck.
>> People are really making decisions hourly? That seems like a madhouse to
>> me for MOST real world usefulness. Even when trends are important on a
>> short trigger, using the math for trends based on new arrivals against the
>> existing averages for some weighted time period is probably better than
>> generating a full new data set.
>> mwf
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *yudhi s
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 09, 2023 1:31 AM
>> *To:* Oracle L
>> *Subject:* How to design data movement
>> Hello Listers,
>> We have multiple transaction tables and data on those are streamed from
>> upstream systems using tools like kafka, glue etc. And we have an
>> analytical database at the destination which is consuming the data and
>> going to publish reports on those data. In the analytical database , the
>> data gets dumped in a stage schema as is and then procedures written to
>> pull the stage tables data transform the data and populate the main schema
>> tables(which are having different structures) and on them
>> reporting/analytical queries are getting executed. Some structures in the
>> main schema are one to one as its on stage but others are
>> joining/aggregating multiple "stage tables" data into one table in "main
>> schema".
>> Now the issue is , we are getting the batches from the source loaded to
>> the stage schema of the analytical database hourly once. And we are seeing,
>> even the tables are holding the related data(i.e. the transaction ID
>> column) but they are coming with different lags.Say for e.g. at any point
>> in time when we are trying to pull data from stage and populate main
>> schema(which is also going to be hourly once frequency), the stage tables
>> looks something as below.
>> Table1 has all the data/maximum number of Transaction ids but table2 and
>> table3 is lagging behind. Table2 is yet to be populated with the
>> transaction ids- 3,4 data and also Table3 is yet to be populated with
>> transaction id-4 data and that will mostly be populated in the stage area
>> on the analytical database in the next hourly batch by the upstream job.
>> So how should we handle this scenario?
>> So in the above scenario we are thinking of
>> 1)Pick up all the required data for a specific batch, from stage, using
>> "outer join" in TXN_ID column from related tables first and populate main
>> schema tables. And this will populate all the TXN_ID's in the main schema
>> but with null values for attributes of table TABLE2 and TABLE3 i.e. col3,
>> col4, col5, col6 will be populated as NULL for the missing Txn_ids.
>> 2)In the next hourly run of the procedures, we will check , if any of the
>> values of the column(col3, col4, col5,col6) showing NULL then we will
>> execute UPDATE queries to populate those columns of the main schema table ,
>> for those specific transaction IDS from Table2 and Table3.
>> I Wanted to understand from experts if there exists any better way to
>> handle such data streaming challenges?
>> TXN_ID COL1 COL2 Batch_time
>> 1 A B 9hrs
>> 2 C D 9hrs
>> 3 E F 9hrs
>> 4 G H 9hrs
>> TXN_ID COL3 COL4 Batch_time
>> 1 I J 9hrs
>> 1 K L 9Hrs
>> 2 M N 9hrs
>> TXN_ID COL5 COL6 Batch_time
>> 1 O P 9hrs
>> 2 Q R 9hrs
>> 3 S T 9hrs
>> 3 U V 9hrs
>> Regards
>> Yudhi

Received on Sat Jun 10 2023 - 11:05:48 CEST

Original text of this message