Re: How to prevent Oracle Restart/SIHA/OHAS from attempting to open database needing recovery

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 15:35:06 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I'll let you know when I get it working.  Thank you so much!

On 6/8/2023 2:56 PM, Ross Ohnesorg wrote:
> There’s a line from the TV series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, where the
> resident genius, after suffering a brain injury, is unable to help
> immediately solve a problem. He keeps repeating, “I didn’t solve this
> today”. My day-to-day is less Oracle focused these days, and that is a
> phrase that often crosses my mind when I get back into the Oracle side
> and come across something where I know a previous experience would
> either be the exact fit or at least get me going in the right direction.
> I am curious to see how the crsctl add resource behaves in an HAS
> (instead of CRS) environment.
> Thanks,
> Ross
> *From: *Tim Gorman <>
> *Date: *Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 12:47 PM
> *To: *Ross Ohnesorg <>
> *Cc: *ORACLE-L <>
> *Subject: *Re: How to prevent Oracle Restart/SIHA/OHAS from attempting
> to open database needing recovery
> Ross,
> Thank you so much for your response!
> This is a real face-palm.
> I used the referenced material on behalf of a vendor called Teleran
> back in 2007 to automate the startup, shutdown, and status checking of
> the Teleran iSight product into the grid infrastructure for RAC, and
> did a presentation on the topic at the RMOUG Training Days conference
> in Feb 2008.  I still have the PPTs!
> Then, I resurrected similar functionality using the same features
> <;!!N4fOi5Mv!avdeQBZRDrsg8B0InN7ADZdX0EN1V0p9ET6W5kxGrVb0GxQZo60oy9lmu4rrFQmx2nK95GugKTlv8KrYXD8JlQ$>)
> while I was working for Delphix about 4 years ago in 2019.
> I can understand forgetting about it all if all this were 15 years in
> the past, but forgetting stuff I blogged publicly about 4 years ago is
> pretty hard to admit.  I mean, I frequently joke about forgetting what
> I've had for breakfast, but this is coming close to no longer being a
> joke.
> Oh well.
> Thank you so much for bringing this all back to the foreground!
> Have a wonderful day!
> -Tim
> On 6/8/2023 10:13 AM, Ross Ohnesorg wrote:
> Not sure if I have my full posting privileges right now or not,
> but the old “action scripts” might be applicable here. We used
> them years ago on a similar setup. I think ours was a full CRS
> 11.2 cluster with single instance databases. A quick google search
> didn’t find the Oracle hosted version of this white paper, but
> here’s somebody else hosting it,
> <;!!N4fOi5Mv!avdeQBZRDrsg8B0InN7ADZdX0EN1V0p9ET6W5kxGrVb0GxQZo60oy9lmu4rrFQmx2nK95GugKTlv8KpmnIM6Jg$>
> You might be able to add logic there to do a startup mount, check
> for recovery, and then open the database. I don’t know if this
> would work with Oracle Restart instead of the full CRS stack.
> Thanks,
> Ross
> *From: *
> <>
> <> on behalf of Tim Gorman
> <> <>
> *Date: *Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 9:26 AM
> *To: *ORACLE-L <>
> <>
> *Subject: *How to prevent Oracle Restart/SIHA/OHAS from attempting
> to open database needing recovery
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.
> Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
> sender and know the content is safe.
> Friends and colleagues,
> I have a customer using Oracle Restart (i.e. single-instance
> installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure, a.k.a. SIHA, a.k.a. OHAS)
> for access to Oracle ASM.
> They have a situation where they are restoring the entire VM from
> storage-level snapshots, including the Oracle database which was in
> "backup mode" at the time of the snapshot, and Oracle Restart is
> attempting to automatically open the database (which needs
> roll-forward
> recovery).
> This automatic restart makes sense under normal conditions, when the
> database is not in need of media recovery. However, when the database
> is in need of media recovery, then automatically opening the database
> eliminates any possibility of performing roll-forward media recovery.
> We can use srvctl to set startoptions from open to mount, and that
> will
> solve the problem when roll-forward media recovery is needed, but it
> leaves the database in unusable mount mode when the automatic
> restart is
> expected to automatically open the database.
> So, Oracle Restart apparently does either STARTUP OPEN or STARTUP
> blindly, instead of perhaps first MOUNTing the database, then checking
> if media recovery is needed before an OPEN is attempted, which
> would be
> the intelligent thing to do, and not difficult to automate into
> srvctl.
> Has anyone resolved this problem?
> Thanks!
> -Tim
> --
> <;!!N4fOi5Mv!cm5uEXrwOZkvOVWa5EQU8wRVtXZ4p9_d84wlZVcC22mJVaw646ylOSuIMA04g23raFOZTWnAGoSrbCrsbIUfhA$>

Received on Fri Jun 09 2023 - 00:35:06 CEST

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