Re: How to get all of parent path (including itself) for a specified path on Linux or how to get all of substring (including itself) for a string on Oracle SQL?

From: Maxim <>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:13:56 +0100
Message-ID: <>

variation of the bash fork bomb ;-)

 :() { [[ ! -z $1 ]] && echo $1 && : ${1%/*}; } ; :




On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 3:28 PM Mladen Gogala <> wrote:

> On 3/13/23 01:49, Quanwen Zhao wrote:
> Hello listeners :-),
> I've an requirement getting all of parent path (including itself) for a
> specified path on Linux or getting all of substring (including itself) for
> a string on Oracle SQL?
> such as, the path is "/home/oracle/arch", the desired output is:
> /home/oracle/arch
>> /home/oracle
>> /home
>> /
> or I've created a test table.
> TEST_at_orcl>create table test1 (arch_loc varchar2(50));
>> Table created.
> TEST_at_orcl>insert into test1 values ('/home/oracle/arch');
>> 1 row created.
> TEST_at_orcl>commit;
>> Commit complete.
> TEST_at_orcl>select * from test1;
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> /home/oracle/arch
> Whatever, using the SHELL or Oracle SQL to get the same output. Please
> help me finish it, thanks beforehand!
> Best Regards
> Quanwen Zhao
> I would use something like this:
> !/usr/bin/perl
> my _at_MD=split ('/',$ARGV[0]);
> my $output='';
> foreach (_at_MD) {
> $output .= "/$_";
> $output=~s/\/\//\//;
> print "$output\n";
> }
> This works:
> [mgogala_at_umajor scripts]$ /tmp/ttt '/oracle/base/product/19c/dbhome_1'
> /
> /oracle
> /oracle/base
> /oracle/base/product
> /oracle/base/product/19c
> /oracle/base/product/19c/dbhome_1
> You can use PL/SQL regex functions to do the same in PL/SQL.
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Database Consultant
> Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Mon Mar 13 2023 - 16:13:56 CET

Original text of this message