Re: Finding cause and fix for Idle wait event

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 22:02:07 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 2/24/23 02:24, Nenad Noveljic wrote:
> I've seen this behaviour with Informatica. The reason were the
> workflows where the tool was unnecessarily grabbing large quantities
> of data from the database and joining them on the Informatica server.
> In the Informatica vernacular the joins are called "look-ups" and they
> require sorting the selected data. As this was very intensive, the
> Oracle session was idly waiting during that time. I worked together
> with the Informatica specialist to select only a necessary subset of
> data and join them in the database, which reduced the processing from
> hours to less than a minute.

So we're debugging Informatica now? On this list? Yes, "waiting for more data from client" is a clear indication that maybe the application encountering the event should be checked. That application is Informatica. And that's the depth that I would go to on this list. If Informatica doesn't do what you want, write a Python script and make sure it does what you need with the speed you need. I will gladly discuss database aspects of the application but not the programming aspects of the script. You should trace Informatica and see where the time is spent. However, I am not sure that we should discuss the results on this group.

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Sat Feb 25 2023 - 04:02:07 CET

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