Re: grant <ROLE> to Package - where is my fault?

From: Chris Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 19:20:09 -0600
Message-ID: <>

As far as I know, pl/sql requires direct grants on objects referenced in other schemas while inside pl/sql code.

HTH, Chris

On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 3:52 PM Martin Berger <> wrote:

> Dear List,
> I try to do some little tests how to properly grant a role to a procedure.
> I'm even failing for a simple table.
> Checking the docs for GRANT [1] and Code Based Access Control [2] did not
> help (I'm probably blind) - so I'm happy with any suggestion.
> My testcase (already prepared for more than only a table):
> -- grant_to_package.sql
> -- user A
> drop user A cascade;
> create user A identified by A;
> grant create session to A;
> grant create table to A;
> grant create procedure to A;
> create table A.T (C1 number);
> create view A.V as select * from A.T;
> create or replace package A.P authid definer as
> procedure p1;
> end P;
> /
> create or replace package body A.P as
> procedure p1 as
> begin
> dbms_output.put_line('x');
> end;
> end P;
> /
> -- Role R
> drop role R;
> grant read on A.T to R;
> grant read on A.V to R;
> grant execute on A.P to R;
> -- User B
> drop user B cascade;
> create user B identified by B;
> grant create procedure to B;
> grant R to B;
> create or replace package B.Pac authid definer as
> procedure proc1;
> end Pac;
> /
> Grant R to PACKAGE B.Pac;
> create or replace package body B.Pac as
> procedure proc1 as
> var1 A.T.C1%type := 1;
> begin
> dbms_output.put_line(var1);
> end;
> end Pac;
> /
> And I get the error
> --------- -------------------------------------------------------------
> 0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
> 3/8 PLS-00201: identifier 'A.T' must be declared
> Errors: check compiler log
> With a direct Grant read on A.T to B;
> the package compiles quite fine.
> So please can anyone tell me how to do this GRANT <ROLE> TO PACKAGE right
> so my line
> var1 A.T.C1%type := 1;
> works?
> thanks in advance,
> Martin
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Martin Berger
> Oracle ♠
> _at_martinberx <>
> ^∆x

Received on Thu Feb 09 2023 - 02:20:09 CET

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