Re: finding PII data in an Oracle schema

From: Neil Chandler <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 19:57:20 +0000
Message-ID: <AM8P194MB1628ADE4B0F982F84C1F20CB85EB9_at_AM8P194MB1628.EURP194.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

The first place I would look is DBSAT (download from MOS). Oracle security assessment tool that also has PII locating capabilities. It’s free and semi-supported.

Data Safe is basically DBSAT with a gui front end and a price tag. It’s also only in the cloud, but can link to on-prem from there.

sent from my phone

On 21 Dec 2022, at 19:32, Ilmar Kerm <> wrote:

Oracle Data Safe advertises this capability. Cloud service that can also connect to on-prem databases.<>

I heard prices about 200 usd per database per month.

On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 19:32, Jon Crisler <<>> wrote: Has anybody run into any toolkits that can identify PII data in a schema ? I am looking to track down columns and tables in a user schema. I am not licensed for Oracle Data Masking so it has to be outside of that product, and preferably free. We are implementing other packages to do things like GDPR and California privacy laws, and I want to be able to validate via another source that no data structures were missed.

Ilmar Kerm
-- Received on Wed Dec 21 2022 - 20:57:20 CET

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