Re: MS Defender for OL7 Oracle DB servers

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 07:29:02 -0800
Message-ID: <>


As documented HERE

    /*Common Applications to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can impact*//
    //High I/O workloads from certain applications can experience
    performance issues when Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is     installed. These include applications for developer scenarios like     Jenkins and Jira, and database workloads like OracleDB and Postgres.     If experiencing performance degradation, consider setting exclusions     for trusted applications, keeping //Common Exclusion Mistakes for     Microsoft Defender Antivirus
    <>//in     mind. For additional guidance, consider consulting documentation     regarding antivirus exclusions from third party applications./

Personally, I think any sort of "protective" software running on a database server is another good reason to use Oracle ASM, as A/V software generally "protects" only filesystem-based files, and do not recognize (or bother with) block-special or character-special devices.  Just my opinion, when you can't prevent A/V software from being used in the first place.

Hope this helps...



On 3/4/2022 6:50 AM, Rich J wrote:
> Hey all,
> Anyone run into any issues running MS Defender on their Oracle DB
> servers on Linux?  This would be on OL7 for now (mostly 7.7).
> One would think that the Oracle datafile directories plus the ADR tree
> should be excluded.  I'm just wondering if there's other common
> "gotchas" that others have run into.
> Thanks,
> Rich

Received on Fri Mar 04 2022 - 16:29:02 CET

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