Re: Why dba_hist_waitclassmet_history has 0 line?

From: Quanwen Zhao <>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 13:38:49 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Jonathan!

Your ideas is very good! Perhaps I might also found the related DDL info from dbms_metadata.get_ddl().

I need clarify why I go to check dba_hist_waitclassmet_history - I wanna check Avtive Sessions Per Wait Class from EMCC 13.5 in the last 24 hours and more old days (7 or 31 days).

Yes, I can get several data from v$waitclassmetric_history (in the last 60 minutes) and v$waitclassmetric (in the last 1 minute).

I guess Oracle might suggest we go to check dba_hist_active_sess_history if elapsed time is more than 1 hour. Because I've also noticed that I can see the historical graph of ASH analysis when clicking the each legend (such as, cpu_used or cpu_wait) from the graph (Active Sessions Per Wait Class) of EMCC 13.5.

Best Regards
Quanwen Zhao

在 2021年12月3日星期五,Jonathan Lewis <> 写道:
> It must be a deliberate coding decision, and there may be a hidden
parameter (or call to an internal package) that changes the way Oracle access the relevant x$, but if you trace the snapshot code you can see the SQL statement that ought to populate the relevant wrh$ from the x$ table, and then see that nothing arrives there.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> On Sun, 28 Nov 2021 at 08:49, Quanwen Zhao <> wrote:
>> Hello Listeners 😊,
>> Recently I've found three important views about "v$waitclassmetric",
"v$waitclassmetric_history", and "dba_hist_waitclassmet_history". Here're the corresponding links from oracle online docs:
>> Quoted the brief introduction for themselves:
>>> V$WAITCLASSMETRIC displays metric values of wait classes for the most
recent 60-second interval. A history of the last one hour will be kept in the system.
>>> V$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY displays metric values of wait classes for
all intervals in the last one hour.
>>> The columns for V$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY are the same as those
>>> DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY displays the history of the wait event
class metric data kept by the Workload Repository.
>> But why dba_hist_waitclassmet_history has 0 line? Here's my query from
oracle 21.3 (test db) and found all the same situation from 19.3 and
>>> 16:43:23 SYS_at_ORACDB> select count(*) from v$waitclassmetric;
>>> COUNT(*)
>>> ----------
>>> 13
>>> 16:43:29 SYS_at_ORACDB> select count(*) from v$waitclassmetric_history;
>>> COUNT(*)
>>> ----------
>>> 793
>>> 16:43:33 SYS_at_ORACDB> select count(*) from dba_hist_waitclassmet_history;
>>> COUNT(*)
>>> ----------
>>> 0
>> Has anybody else encountered it? Oracle hasn't saved the historical
wait class metric to view dba_hist_waitclassmet_history or is it a bug?
>> Best Regards
>> Quanwen Zhao

Received on Fri Dec 03 2021 - 06:38:49 CET

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