Refreshable Clone PDB in 19c on Windows

From: Hemant K Chitale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:20:05 +0800
Message-ID: <>

I am attempting to create a Refreshable Clone PDB in 19.12 on Windows

I have verified that the source has LOCAL_UNDO_ENABLED and is in ARCHIVELOG mode.

I grant on the Source (CDB1) :
create user c##for_pdb_clones identified by for_pdb_clones container=ALL; grant create session, create pluggable database to c##for_pdb_clones container=ALL;
grant sysoper to c##for_pdb_clones container=ALL;

I then verify the grants with :
select con_id, privilege, common
from cdb_sys_privs
where grantee = 'C##FOR_PDB_CLONES'
order by 1,2

and select * from v$pwfile_users;

At the Target (CDB2) I run :
create database link for_pdb_clones
connect to c##for_pdb_clones identified by for_pdb_clones using 'CDB1';

create pluggable database ro_pdb -- the cloned pdb will be read-only from pdb1_at_for_pdb_clones -- create from pluggable database pdb1 refresh mode manual -- not specifying an auto-refresh interval

I get ORA-1031 from remote database (ie. the source) and the source trace file only shows :
<error barrier> at 0x000000522B7F95F0 placed ksrpc.c_at_4192 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Has anyone attempted Refreshable PDB Clone with 19.12 on Windows ?

Hemant K Chitale

Received on Mon Nov 29 2021 - 10:20:05 CET

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