RE: Things to consider during upgrade/migration

From: Clay Jackson <"Clay>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2021 21:36:26 +0000
Message-ID: <>

What Mladen and Andy said – I would pay very serious attention to their wisdom; born of many years 😊. ESPECIALLY the parts about

  1. How different 19 is from 11 and the Exadata is from the HP
  2. Collecting baselines for ALL SQL – the time you spend up from will save more than that troubleshooting on the “back end”
In my position, I talk to customers/prospects going through similar upgrades/migrations and those who follow(ed) Steps 2 and 3 (and understood the differences) had SIGNIFICANTLY better success than those who tried to “shortcut” the process.

Clay Jackson

From: <> On Behalf Of Lok P Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2021 10:47 AM To: Oracle L <> Subject: Things to consider during upgrade/migration

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Hello Listers, With respect to having a safe upgrade(say from 11.2 to 19C) or migration(From HP to Exadata) experience with minimal performance issues. Is there any guideline we should follow like setting up exadata system stats in case the target database is going to be exadata, Or verifying dictionary stats/table stats etc in a certain way. Want to know experts' views, if there are any such guidelines?



Received on Sat Nov 13 2021 - 22:36:26 CET

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