RE: ODA Time Zone

From: Clay Jackson <"Clay>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 19:43:55 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I found this in MOS

Document 2250865.1 (<>

It uses timedatectl and looks pretty straightforward.

That said – if your agreement with Oracle calls for them to manage your ODAs, (at least IMHO) this is a HUGE screw-up. It should be worthy of a Sev 1 SR and if necessary Duty Manager Escalation; and you should make THEM fix it ASAP.

You should also make sure you’re running NTP (Network Time Protocol) on both nodes. A quick way to do that is to run “ntpq” from the Unix command line. If it comes back, use the “peers” command, and if you see a list of servers, you should be good. If it doesn’t come back, or you don’t see a list of servers, that’s ANOTHER issue.

Clay Jackson (Charter “Dinosaur”)

From: <> On Behalf Of james Jose Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:31 AM To:
Subject: ODA Time Zone

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We have recently bought two node cluster ODAs and we are running oracle 12c and the configuration of ODA is given below,

ODA X8 2 HA High Availability Configuration.

Oracle had set it up on the wrong time zone and one is on EST time zone and another is on MT.

Seems like changing time zone on ODA is challenging one and oracle is not able to help us yet. any tho

Received on Thu Nov 11 2021 - 20:43:55 CET

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