Re: High Administrative and Network waits

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 19:36:11 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Have you tried netstat -s|egrep -i
"(fail|error|warn|drop|retrans|drop|collis)"? How about netstat -i? Do you see any errors on the interface? What kind of network is that? 10Gb? 1Gb?

On 11/3/21 17:08, Lok P wrote:
> It's getting bounced back so resending.
> Its version 19C of oracle. We were suddenly getting complaints from
> the team regarding the slowness of few of the application processes.
> Those that were running in 2-2.5hrs are now running for ~6hrs. This
> process calls many quick queries from Java and we verified most of
> them have no change in plan but a bit increase in elapsed time
> (which is mainly cpu time) observed. But when looking into the
> database we see a spike in Administrative waits (mainly BACKUP:MML
> write backup piece) and network wait events(mainly Data Guard Network
> buffer stall reap, SQL*Net more data from client followed by SQL*Net
> more data to client). And we recently moved from existing AES128 to
> AES256 tablespace encryption. Not sure if that is anyway playing any
> role here causing these administrative and network waits in turn
> impacting the application query/processes.
> However I tried capturing the stats in production from v$sesstat for
> two of the processes/sessions while they were already running for
> ~3hrs from the logon_time noted in v$session. But I am not able to
> understand if that is pointing anything suspicious towards the
> encryption being the cause. I don't have results from v$sesstats from
> a good time though. Can you guide me here? How these can be logically
> related.
> Regards
> Lok

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Thu Nov 04 2021 - 00:36:11 CET

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