Cloud Control Question

From: Scott Canaan <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 16:05:35 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to set up a database that's on a cluster in Cloud Control 13.4.

I've got the database configured and monitored. I've got the listener configured and monitored (although maybe incorrectly), and I'm trying to tell CC that it's a cluster.

In emcli, I'm trying to run the following statements:

emcli set_standby_agent -target_n ame=TESTDB -target_type=oracle_database

emcli set_standby_agent -target_n ame=LISTENER_TESTDB -target_type=oracle_listener

The first one works. The second one returns:

Error: Not eligible to move LISTENER_TESTDB:oracle_listener from to due to 20206:getTargetGuid: Unable to get GUID for the target (targetName=LISTENER_TESTDB targetType=oracle_listener)

The listener is defined in CC.

What am I missing? I'm going by notes made for version 13.1 by a co-worker that has since retired.

Scott Canaan '88
Sr Database Administrator
Information & Technology Services
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520<> | c: (585) 339-8659

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Received on Mon Jun 28 2021 - 18:05:35 CEST

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