Re: Ora-8103 error

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:43:19 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Checking to see if I'd written anything about ddl triggers - the code fragement I supplied was alread part of an old blog note:

Reading that reminded me of two things:

  1. the alert log will automatically capture SOME of the partition maintenance operations
  2. if Oracle does an implicit add partition on an interval partitioned table it's not captured as DDL

Jonathan Lewis

On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 11:51, Pap <> wrote:

> This question came from a friend in a forum for version of
> oracle , stating, one of the SELECT query is failing with ora-08103 object
> no longer exists error intermittently and rerun makes that query finish
> without any error. And the query does have some partition tables used but
> they aren't able to find any partition maintenance activities during this
> period. But there must be some DDL happening and thus the SELECT query is
> failing. And it might be that the DDL is too quick that it's not logged in
> ASH/AWR views. So is there any method to get hold of the DDL statement and
> its source ? I saw enabling DDL_LOGGING at the system level is one
> approach, but thinking if it's having any negative sides if it's set at
> system level for a long duration and if any other possible approach
> exists?
> Regards
> Pap

Received on Mon Jun 28 2021 - 13:43:19 CEST

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