AW: Original design approach to Oracle REDO Logs

From: Michael D O'Shea/Woodward Informatics Ltd <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 15:57:40 +0100
Message-Id: <>

To play devils advocate, wouldn’t the dynamic addition of the „set“ columns into the „where“ clause play havoc with the execution plan stability? Think adaptive cursor sharing.


> Am 18/06/2021 um 15:15 schrieb Clay Jackson (Redacted sender "Clay.Jackson" for DMARC) <>:
> MWF wrote:
> “At the query level I wonder if permuting the query when it can be certainly iso-functional as
> update someTable
> set someColumn1 = 1.234
> becomes
> update someTable
> set someColumn1 = 1.234
> where someColumn1 != 1.234”
> I almost can’t believe I’m suggesting this; but is there a nugget of an “enhancement” request in there? I could see cases where if the optimizer was going to do an index lookup (i.e. there was a unique index on that column), OR, a full table scan (i.e. NO other path) a query rewrite might give some dramatic results (I think any paths other than “direct index” or full table scan would probably not be deterministic enough to “take a chance”).
> Clay Jackson

Received on Fri Jun 18 2021 - 16:57:40 CEST

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