Re: Gather table stats without partition stats

From: Pap <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 08:05:57 +0530
Message-ID: <>

I think first point is not true. Stats on partition level does needed by optimizer. It's the sub partition level stats which were not used by optimizer in some version if I remember correctly.

But in any case considering you are on 19C Incremental stats collection method should be opted for the partition tables as default to have accurate statistics for partitioned tables. Now that on 19C it has all the controls like stale percent to define when to gather stats on historical partition. Or you can lock the old partition if don't want them to be gathered because of high resource usage etc. And good thing is all these tweak can happen with Incremental stats being ON i.e the most possible accurate stats oracle can gather till date for a partition table.

Others can correct me if I missstated anything.

On Thu, 17 Jun 2021, 11:53 pm Moustafa Ahmed, <> wrote:

> Listers
> 1-on 19c I believe I read before that not gathering partition statics is
> much safer specially since 12c and we should be enough with table stats..
> Is that true?
> 2-how can we ignite gathering partition stats for a table?
> Thank you!--

Received on Fri Jun 18 2021 - 04:35:57 CEST

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