Re: Original design approach to Oracle REDO Logs

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 23:13:17 +0100
Message-ID: <>

I've just re-run the test of the "no-change" update against and the code has been changed to generate an 11.19 (array update) entry that shows "no columns changed" for every row in the array. I'll have to do a little more testing to see what it does with some rows in a block really changing and some being updated without change.

Jonathan Lewis

On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 22:52, Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:

> Oracle actually introduced a "no change" optimisation for redo in 12.2
> If an update doesn't change the values in the row then Oracle doesn't go
> through the normal generation of undo and redo for that row. HOWEVER - and
> this is where the "don't change the block" idea fails - it locks the row,
> which does generate undo and redo. And if you're unlucky (and if you're
> updating every row in the block in a small way you probably will be) the
> "optimisation" will generate more undo and redo rather than less because
> real updates can generate one undo and redo vector per block but the lock
> row vectors are (up to 19.3) single row vectors.
> I wrote about this a couple of years ago:
> The "lock row" is necessary for backwards compatibility (if nothing else)
> - but I think it would be hard to argue that it shouldn't happen because if
> the row were not locked then it would be possible to create cases that
> produced wrong results.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 21:12, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
>> While I agreed with what JL wrote, IF we knew how fast processors are
>> now, then an update all rows query might compare the block images on the
>> fly and not write the blocks where all the rows in a block were updated to
>> the same value so that the actual block image resulting from the update
>> didn’t need to be written.
>> Off the top of my head I **think** that would work and be efficient, but
>> I am not engaged enough to ponder possible edge cases. But I **think**
>> you have all the information you need in hand at commit time to flag blocks
>> to **not** bother writing. If the buffer had to flush along the way
>> before the commit, they would already be in the redo stream, but with the
>> massive memory now available a private redo thread might be able to handle
>> it both correctly and efficiently.
>> I really like Oracle’s redo model though. Someone once put it to me
>> thusly: Everything Bill Bridge starts ends up in checkmate. (Meaning Bill
>> wins.) Making sure the bucket has no leaks was definitely priority number
>> one.
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Jonathan Lewis
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 17, 2021 10:16 AM
>> *To:* ORACLE-L (
>> *Subject:* Re: Original design approach to Oracle REDO Logs
>> Mike,
>> I don't think you can ask about hypothetical strategies for the redo log
>> before stating what you think the purpose of the database should be.
>> If you expect the database to be the reference of last resort for the
>> correctness and (immediate) consistency of the data then you might like a
>> different strategy from someone who thinks the database is some sort of
>> record of evolution of the data that allows the current version of the data
>> to be re-imaged by a client.
>> Regards
>> Jonathan Lewis
>> On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 13:55, Michael D O'Shea/Woodward Informatics Ltd <
>>> wrote:
>> Chaps, request for opinions/discussion/feedback .....
>> Question: If Oracle were written today, would the same strategy behind
>> the "redo log" be adopted.
>> An example .... for a table of 10,000,000 rows, and a contrived piece of
>> DML
>> update someTable
>> set someColumn1 = 1.234
>> that "updated" all the rows
>> *but* where someColumn1 was only updated to 1.234 for 6 rows as the
>> remaining 10,000,000 - 6 rows were already 1.234
>> Should (assuming just DML and also just the basic data types, number,
>> varchar2, date, ... ) the redo log
>> * record the data "change" for all 10,000,000 "updates"
>> * record the real data change for just the 6 real updates
>> * record *solely* the SQL used to perform the update for some playback
>> purpose
>> * send a message to some message broker such as Solace, Tibco, ....
>> allowing subscribers to process the data change that way (might be
>> replication/backup, some sort of refresh or push notification to other
>> applications, email dispatch and so on)
>> * some other approach else
>> There is a considerable movement to event streaming technology such as
>> Kafka to (indirectly) drive data change events to downstream and dependent
>> systems (in Oracle assumably by polling the redo log file, or maybe some
>> LogMiner interface .. I don't know the detail) in databases that include
>> Oracle, MongoDB (referred to as Change Streams), and many more.
>> My "ask" focuses more on "just the database" interoperability with the
>> remainder of what is often a large tech stack, and not the original design
>> decision around redo logs for data recovery.
>> Mike

Received on Fri Jun 18 2021 - 00:13:17 CEST

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