Re: Original design approach to Oracle REDO Logs

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 15:15:31 +0100
Message-ID: <>


I don't think you can ask about hypothetical strategies for the redo log before stating what you think the purpose of the database should be.

If you expect the database to be the reference of last resort for the correctness and (immediate) consistency of the data then you might like a different strategy from someone who thinks the database is some sort of record of evolution of the data that allows the current version of the data to be re-imaged by a client.

Jonathan Lewis

On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 13:55, Michael D O'Shea/Woodward Informatics Ltd <> wrote:

> Chaps, request for opinions/discussion/feedback .....
> Question: If Oracle were written today, would the same strategy behind the
> "redo log" be adopted.
> An example .... for a table of 10,000,000 rows, and a contrived piece of
> update someTable
> set someColumn1 = 1.234
> that "updated" all the rows
> *but* where someColumn1 was only updated to 1.234 for 6 rows as the
> remaining 10,000,000 - 6 rows were already 1.234
> Should (assuming just DML and also just the basic data types, number,
> varchar2, date, ... ) the redo log
> * record the data "change" for all 10,000,000 "updates"
> * record the real data change for just the 6 real updates
> * record *solely* the SQL used to perform the update for some playback
> purpose
> * send a message to some message broker such as Solace, Tibco, ....
> allowing subscribers to process the data change that way (might be
> replication/backup, some sort of refresh or push notification to other
> applications, email dispatch and so on)
> * some other approach else
> There is a considerable movement to event streaming technology such as
> Kafka to (indirectly) drive data change events to downstream and dependent
> systems (in Oracle assumably by polling the redo log file, or maybe some
> LogMiner interface .. I don't know the detail) in databases that include
> Oracle, MongoDB (referred to as Change Streams), and many more.
> My "ask" focuses more on "just the database" interoperability with the
> remainder of what is often a large tech stack, and not the original design
> decision around redo logs for data recovery.
> Mike

Received on Thu Jun 17 2021 - 16:15:31 CEST

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