Re: Replace Not Exist with Left Outer Join and Is Null

From: <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 16:12:37 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

Could you please elaborate on "c"?  If a query contains multiple subqueries, are you saying the position of each one in the text of the query may influence the execution plan? Thanks,Matt 

    On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 05:05:55 AM EDT, Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:    

Before trying a rewrite - or going though the painful process of trying to interpret a CBO trace file, you could pursue three ideas:a) Does Oracle consider subquery unnesting to be illegal ... try adding an /*+ unnest */ hint to the subquery itself to see if it is possible (even it produces a very bad plan as a result)b) Does Oracle think the subquery will happen only a very small number of times - if so address address the cause of of the bad cardinality estimate before chasing the subquery errorc) Has Oracle run the subquery at the earliest possible moment or the latest possible moment - if there are multiple subqueries have they been run in the wrong order: would it help to change the timing of when the subquery runs. RegardsJonathan Lewis

On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 15:29, Amit Saroha <> wrote:

In one of the queries TKProof shows, most time is spent in accessing a table thousands of times inside NOT EXIST condition. I am looking for your inputs if it's a promising idea to replace NOT EXIST with the LEFT OUTER JOIN and IS NULL condition? Any inputs in this regard are appreciated.

Regards,Amit S    

Received on Wed Jun 02 2021 - 18:12:37 CEST

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